PYCC 5425

PYCC 5425
1 - Taxon name
Sterigmatomyces hyphaenes
2 - Classification
3 - Strain (species name) changes
Agaricostilbum hyphaenes
4 - Status of the strain
Type strain of Sterigmatomyces hyphaenes; Type strain of Agaricostilbum hyphaenes
7 - Original strain number
ML 3533
8 - Accession numbers in other collections
CBS 7811;ML 3533;NCYC 2655
11 - PYCC strain status
12 - Mediterranean strain
13 - Substrate of isolation
basidiomes on spathe of Phoenix canariensis (palm)
14 - Category of substrate
Vascular plants, mosses & algae
15 - Locality
California, Stanford
16 - Country of origin
19 - Isolated by and date of isolation
R. Bandoni
21 - Deposited by
J.W. Fell, ML 3533,Oct. 1997
22 - History
J.W. Fell > PYCC
23 - Preservation
Glass beads; 20% Glycerol; -150ºC
24 - Price per culture
26 - Medium for growth
C41 Methanol
C42 Ethanol
T1 Growth at 25ºC
T1 Growth at 30ºC
M1 Starch formation
M3 Urea hydrolysis
M4 Diazonium Blue B reaction