PYCC 8351

PYCC 8351
1 - Taxon name
Methylobacterium symbioticum
2 - Classification
Gram -
3 - Strain (species name) changes
Methylobacterium sp.
4 - Status of the strain
Type strain of Methylocabterium symbioticum
5 - Basis for identification
Molecular (16S)
6 - Identified by
Félix Fernández Martín, Feb 2011
7 - Original strain number
8 - Accession numbers in other collections
CECT 9862
9 - Biological Safety Level
10 - Access and Benefit Sharing (CBD, Nagoya protocol)
No known ABS restrictions
11 - PYCC strain status
12 - Mediterranean strain
13 - Substrate of isolation
spores of Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum
14 - Category of substrate
Fungi & yeasts
15 - Locality
16 - Country of origin
17 - Latitude, longitude coordinates

38.0166666667, -0.836333333333

18 - Sample Collected by
F. F. Martín
19 - Isolated by and date of isolation
Félix Fernández Martín, Feb 2011
20 - Isolation details
21 - Deposited by
André Santos, May 2019
22 - History
André Santos > PYCC
23 - Preservation
Glass beads; 20% Glycerol; -150ºC
24 - Price per culture
25 - Remarks
Cultivate in Nutrient Agar medium supplemented with 1% methanol
Methylobacterium symbioticum sp. nov., a new species isolated from spores of Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum


Jose Antonio Pascual, Margarita Ros, Jesus Martínez, Francisco Carmona, Antonio Bernabé, Rocío Torres, Teresa Lucena, Rosa Aznar, David R. Arahal, Felix Fernández

Publication Date

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