PYCC 2405

PYCC 2405
1 - Taxon name
Kazachstania pintolopesii
2 - Classification
3 - Strain (species name) changes
Candida pintolopesii; Torulopsis pintolopesii; Arxiozyma telluris
4 - Status of the strain
Type strain of Kazachstania pintolopesii; Type strain of Torulopsis pintolopesii
5 - Basis for identification
Molecular (multigene)
6 - Identified by
Kurtzman et al, 2005
7 - Original strain number
8 - Accession numbers in other collections
ATCC 22998;CBS 1787;CCRC 21409;DBVPG 7979;IFO 0729;JCM 9834;NRRL Y-2260
9 - Biological Safety Level
10 - Access and Benefit Sharing (CBD, Nagoya protocol)
No known ABS restrictions
11 - PYCC strain status
12 - Mediterranean strain
13 - Substrate of isolation
liver of white mouse
14 - Category of substrate
15 - Locality
16 - Country of origin
18 - Sample Collected by
19 - Isolated by and date of isolation
N. van Uden, 1952
20 - Isolation details
21 - Deposited by
N. van Uden, 1952
22 - History
N. van Uden > PYCC
23 - Preservation
Glass beads; 20% Glycerol; -150ºC Freeze dried ampoules
24 - Price per culture
25 - Remarks
26 - Medium for growth
DNA Sequence
Sequence Title
DNA Sequence
Sequence Title
DNA Sequence
Sequence Title
F1 D-Glucose
W, D
F2 D-Galactose
F3 Maltose
F5 Sucrose
F6 a,a-Trehalose
F7 Melibiose
F8 Lactose
F9 Cellobiose
F10 Melezitose
F11 Raffinose
F12 Inulin
C1 D-Glucose
C2 D-Galactose
C3 L-Sorbose
C4 D-Glucosamine
C5 D-Ribose
C6 D-Xylose
C7 L-Arabinose
C8 D-Arabinose
C9 L-Rhamnose
C10 Sucrose
C11 Maltose
C12 a,a-Trehalose
C13 Me a-D-Glucoside
C14 Cellobiose
C15 Salicin
C16 Arbutin spliting
C17 Melibiose
C18 Lactose
C19 Raffinose
C20 Melezitose
C21 Inulin
C22 Starch
C23 Glycerol
C24 Erythritol
C25 Ribitol
C26 Xylitol
C28 D-Glucitol
C29 D-Mannitol
C30 Galactitol
C31 myo-Inositol
C32 D-Glucono-1,5-lactone
C35 D-Gluconate
C36 D-Glucuronate
C38 DL-Lactate
C39 Succinate
C40 Citrate
C41 Methanol
C42 Ethanol
C43 Propane 1,2 diol
C44 Butane 2,3 diol
C46 D-glucarate
C50 L-Malic acid
C51 L-Tartaric acid
N1 Nitrate
N2 Nitrite
N3 Ethylamine
N4 L-Lysine
N5 Cadaverine
N6 Creatine
N7 Creatinine
V1 w/o vitamins
T1 Growth at 25ºC
T1 Growth at 30ºC
T3 Growth at 35ºC
T4 Growth at 37ºC
T5 Growth at 40ºC
T6 Growth at 42ºC
T7 Growth at 45ºC
O1 Cycloheximide 0.01%
O2 Cycloheximide 0.1%
O3 Acetic acid 1%
O4 50% D-Glucose
O6 10% NaCl
M1 Starch formation
M3 Urea hydrolysis
M4 Diazonium Blue B reaction
Multigene phylogenetic analysis of pathogenic candida species in the Kazachstania (Arxiozyma) telluris complex and description of their ascosporic states as Kazachstania bovina sp. nov. K. heterogenica sp. nov. K. pintolopesii sp. nov. and K. slooffiae


Cletus P. Kurtzman, Christie J. Robnett, Jerrold M. Ward, Cory Brayton, Peter Gorelick, Thomas J. Walsh


ABSTRACT A yeast causing widespread infection of laboratory mice was identified from 26S rRNA gene sequences as Candida pintolopesii . To determine the relationship of C. pintolopesii with other members of the Kazachstania ( Arxiozyma ) telluris species complex, nucleotide sequences from domains 1 and 2 of the 26S rRNA gene, the mitochondrial small-subunit rRNA gene, and the RNA polymerase II gene were phylogenetically analyzed. That analysis resolved the 48 strains examined into five closely related species: K. telluris , Candida bovina , C. pintolopesii , Candida slooffiae , and a previously unknown species. One or more strains of each of the last four species formed an ascosporic state much like that of K. telluris . To place these ascosporogenous strains taxonomically, it is proposed that they be assigned to the teleomorphic genus Kazachstania as K. bovina (type strain NRRL Y-7283, CBS 9732, from the nasal passage of a pigeon), K. heterogenica (type strain NRRL Y-27499, CBS 2675, from rodent feces), K. pintolopesii (type strain NRRL Y-27500, CBS 2985, from the peritoneal fluid of a dead guinea pig), and K. slooffiae (type strain NRRL YB-4349, CBS 9733, from the cecum of a horse). On the basis of multigene sequence analyses, K. heterogenica appears to be a hybrid of K. pintolopesii and a presently unknown species. With the exception of K. bovina , the phylogenetically defined species show a moderate degree of host specificity.

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