PYCC 8229

PYCC 8229
1 - Taxon name
Staphylococcus sp. sister of Staphylococcus equorum
2 - Classification
Gram +
5 - Basis for identification
OX+ O-F- and Molecular (16S)
6 - Identified by
J.P. Sampaio and A. Aires
7 - Original strain number
9 - Biological Safety Level
10 - Access and Benefit Sharing (CBD, Nagoya protocol)
No known ABS restrictions
11 - PYCC strain status
12 - Mediterranean strain
13 - Substrate of isolation
raw horse mackerel
14 - Category of substrate
Food & beverages
19 - Isolated by and date of isolation
J.P. Sampaio
21 - Deposited by
J.P. Sampaio, Nov. 2018
22 - History
J.P. Sampaio > PYCC
23 - Preservation
Glass beads; 20% Glycerol; -80ºC
24 - Price per culture